After a year devoted to developing the content of our training topics, we were able to move on to the start-up phase in 2021. At the end of the year, two training courses were organised on the theme of "Increasing soil fertility".
During the debriefing at the end of the training courses, the candidates were able to express their satisfaction with the various topics covered (valorisation of a soil analysis, cover crops, areas for progress) and their interest in their daily activity. They were also able to identify several points for improvement, in particular the need to make certain agronomic concepts related to soil fertility more concrete. As part of a continuous improvement process, all these comments will be valuable in enabling us to develop our methods and make our training courses more attractive.
In 2022, we want to be able to organize training courses for all the topics we propose. As such, we have already defined 5 dates for the first half of the year. Others will be scheduled for the second half of the year.
You can find all the information on the presentation page of our complete program.
Looking forward to seeing you again very soon for one of our training courses,
See you soon!
Raphaël de TERREOM